• Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio

A documentary portraying actor Paulo César Peréio's life in a humorous and somewhat unconvencional manner, through the accounts of friends who have shared bizarre situations with him. The film plunges into the controversial personality created during his life story, as well as taking a trip through the history of Brazilian cinema.

Tasso Dourado e Allan Sieber
Tasso Dourado e Allan Sieber

Tasso Dourado e Allan Sieber

Tasso Dourado is an audiovisual editor/director, trained in editing by the Darcy Ribeiro Cinema School who has worked as an editor for 15 years. Allan Sieber (Porto Alegre, 1972) is an artist, cartoonist and scriptwriter. He lives in Rio de Janeiro, where he mantains the gallery The Hostile Carioca. From 1999 to 2014 he sustained Toscographics Cartoons, a studio based in Rio, and collaborated with Globo Network and Globosat with scripts and animations.

  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio
  • Peréio, Eu Te Odeio