
Thought of in the1950s as an extension of communist regime propaganda, the Soviet Union ice hockey team impressed the world, introducing a new style of game that privileged tactical organisation and collective achievement. Soon after the collapse of the regime many players migrated to the USA to try their luck with the NHL, but they got lost in the star culture. Through interviews and archive images, the documentary presents the rise and fall of the men behind an extraordinary team. Produced by Werner Herzog. Cannes 2014.

Gabe Polsky

Gabe Polsky

Nasceu em 1979 nos EUA. Estudou na Universidade de Yale. Fundou com seu irmão, Alan Polsky, a produtora Polsky Films, que produziu, entre outros filmes, Vício frenético (2009), de Werner Herzog, e Little Birds (2011). Codirigiu com o irmão seu primeiro longa-metragem, The Motel Life (2012), que foi premiado no Festival de Roma de 2012 e selecionado para o Festival de Chicago.

  • Red Army
  • Red Army
  • Red Army


Edição 2023