
A tale of complicity between two gypsy girls, Kaia and Reka, who were violently separated in childhood and raised in distant worlds. During a trip, the gypsies find themselves with no other alternative but to cross through a count’s farm, from where they are expelled. While running, one of the girls gets lost and is kidnapped by the farmer. She is raised in the farm’s mansion as a servant to the countess. Absorbed by her work, she grows up tied to what little memories she has of gypsy life. Kaia, however, is brought up by her own family until she leaves camp to look for Reka on her own.

Julia Zakia
Julia Zakia

Julia Zakia

She graduated in film at the School for Communication and Arts of São Paulo University (USP), having specialized in directing and cinematography. She directed six shorts, featured in festivals both national and international, such as O chapéu do meu avô (2004), A estória da figueira (2006), Tarabatara (2007) and Pedra bruta (2009). Gypsy River is her feature-length directorial debut.

  • Rio Cigano
  • Rio Cigano
  • Rio Cigano
  • Rio Cigano
  • Rio Cigano


Edição 2023