
Schneider, a hitman, gets a telephone call from Mertens, who is offering him a new job. Schneider refuses, as it is his birthday and he had promised Lucy, his wife, that he would help her prepare for the party. Mertens insists that this is an important assignment, and when they meet at Mertens’ office, Schneider discovers that the target is Ramon Bax, who lives in an isolated place. Schneider accepts the mission believing that it will be easy and that he will be home around lunch time. However, he will get far more than he bargained for. Competition, Locarno 2015.

Alex van Warmerdam

Alex van Warmerdam

Nasceu em 1952, em Haarlem, Holanda. Estudou design gráfico e pintura na Academia Gerrit Rietveld. Dirigiu curtas-metragens e trabalhou no teatro antes de estrear na direção de longas com Abel (1986), vencedor do prêmio da crítica em Veneza. Seguiram-se filmes como Little Tony (1998), exibido na mostra Um Certo Olhar de Cannes, Grimm (2003), exibido em San Sebastián, Waiter (2006) e Borgman (2013), exibido na competição de Cannes.

  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax
  • Schneider vs. Bax


Edição 2023