
Clive has already made up his mind. He is going to take away each of his senses one at a time; a week of abstinence from sight, vision, hearing and the others until he has the experience of living, even just for a week, without them. He throws himself into the experiment with curiosity and discovers the secret key that can open up his senses and connect him to the world. Will he have sufficient courage to continue? Will he embrace the path he has found? We are not invited to watch his journey, but rather to take part in it.

Marco Ferrari
Marco Ferrari

Marco Ferrari

É diretor de cinema e vídeo. Já realizou diversos trabalhos de videoinstalação para organizações internacionais, como a UNESCO. Em 2009, dirigiu o curta Don´t Let Me Go e em 2010, Moonscape, sobre as múltiplas etnias que vivem ao longo da fronteira dos Estados Unidos. Em busca do sentido da vida marca sua estreia na direção de longas-metragens.

  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being
  • Simple Being


Edição 2023