
Jean-François, Ronald, Alexis, Cédric, Benoit and Maxim are gladiators of modern times. From the strongman to the top-class bodybuilder, to the veteran who has become a trainer, they all share the same definition and obsession with overcoming their limitations. They are waiting for the next competition, working hard in the gym and following extreme diets. An amusing, poetic, and human journey into the ruled life of these often misunderstood men. From Canadian director Denis Coté (Vic+Flo Saw a Bear). Locarno Film Festival 2017.

Denis Côté

Denis Côté

​Nasceu em 1973, New Brunswick, Canadá. Filmografia selecionada: Les états nordiques (Leopardo de Ouro de melhor vídeo em Locarno 2005), Nos vies privées (Locarno 2007), Elle veut le chaos (melhor diretor em Locarno 2008), Carcasses (Quinzena dos Realizadores, Cannes 2009), Curling (melhor diretor e ator em Locarno 2010), Bestiário (Sundance e Berlim 2012), Vic+Flo viram um urso (Festival de Berlim 2013) e Boris sem Béatrice (Berlim 2016).

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  • Ta peau si lisse
  • Ta peau si lisse
  • Ta peau si lisse
  • Ta peau si lisse
  • Ta peau si lisse


Edição 2023