
In an imaginary village in the Caucasus, a president and his family govern their land with an iron fist, enjoying a life of luxury and leisure at the expense of the misery of the people. When a coup overthrows the regime, the family leader flees the country by plane, leaving only the ex-president and his young 5 year-old grandson behind. Disguised as street musicians, they cross the country and are exposed to the difficulties that inspired the people’s unanimous hatred for the regime. From the director of Kandahar, Gabbeh and Silence. Opening film at Horizons, Venice 2014.

Moshen Makhmalbaf

Moshen Makhmalbaf

Nasceu em 1957 em Teerã. É cineasta, escritor e ativista pelos direitos humanos. Já dirigiu quatro curtas, três documentários e 18 longas ficcionais, dentre os quais destacam-se A caminho de Kandahar, vencedor do prêmio do júri ecumênico no Festival de Cannes 2001; O silêncio, menção honrosa no Festival de Veneza 1997; Um instante de inocência, menção honrosa no Festival de Locarno 1996; e Gabbeh, exibido no Festival de Toronto 1996.

  • The President


Edição 2023