
Thelma is a shy young woman who has just left her parents' home to study in Oslo, where she is experiencing her first love. But her relationship is soon affected by her family's oppressive meddling, their fundamentalist religious beliefs and unique ability to interfere with Thelma's life. When the young lady is upset, strange things seem to happen. Supernatural phenomena keep increasing, and she discovers powers she can’t control. While seeking answers, her stern and religious parents prepare for the worst. From the director of Oslo, 31. august and Lowder Than Bombs. Toronto, 2017.

Joachim Trier

Joachim Trier

Nasceu em Copenhague e foi criado em Oslo, na Noruega. Ficou conhecido pelos filmes Oslo, 31 de Agosto (2011) e Mais forte que bombas (2015), ambos exibidos no Festival de Cannes. Dirigiu os curtas Pietà (2000), Still (prêmio do público no Festival de Milão 2001) e Procter (melhor filme britânico no Festival de Edimburgo 2002). Seu primeiro longa, Começar de novo (2006), foi vencedor do prêmio de melhor diretor no Festival de Karlovy Vary.

  • Thelma
  • Thelma
  • Thelma
  • Thelma
  • Thelma


Edição 2023