
Nicole is 22 years old, she has just graduated from university and still lives with her parents. She has a life free of worries and responsibilities, except for taking care of the house when her parents are travelling. She spends most of her vacation time with her friend Veronique. When her older brother Remi comes back home to record a record with his band mates, the friendship between the two girls is put to the test and as Nicole’s routine gets busier, she realises that it’s time for her to change her life. Director’s Fortnight, Cannes 2014.

Stéphanie Lafleur

Nasceu em 1976 no Quebec, Canadá. Estreou como diretor com o curta-metragem Karaoke, escolhido o melhor curta canadense no Festival de Toronto de 1999. Na década seguinte, dirigiu diversos curtas e trabalhou como montador. Venceu o prêmio de melhor diretor estreante em Toronto com seu primeiro longa, Continental, a Film Without Guns (2007). Dirigiu ainda Familiar Grounds (2011) e um segmento de The National Parks Project (2011).

  • Tu Dors Nicole
  • Tu Dors Nicole
  • Tu Dors Nicole
  • Tu Dors Nicole
  • Tu Dors Nicole


Edição 2023