
Ma lost her sight in an accident when she was a child. She now works in a Nanjing massage center alongside her colleagues, all of whom are blind and have a strong connection with hearing. The Chinese director Lou Ye (Spring Fever) worked with a mixed cast of blind and visually impaired actors, following his protagonists through their lives, exploring their desires and dreams but also sketching a picture of the reality of modern China. A world between darkness and camaraderie, impacted by the slightest noise. Based on the novel by Bi Feiyu. Berlin 2014.

Lou Ye

Nasceu em 1965 em Xangai, na China. Formou-se em animação em 1983 e estudou direção na Academia de Cinema de Pequim. Após realizar diversos filmes experimentais, estreou na direção de longas em 1993 com Zhou Mo Qing Ren. É diretor de filmes como Os amantes do rio (Roterdã 2000), A borboleta púrpura (Cannes 2003), Palácio de verão (Cannes 2006), Febre de primavera (Cannes 2009) e Amor e dor (Veneza 2011).

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Edição 2023