
Water is fundamental for the survival of any living being. We, human beings, interact with this element in various ways, several times during the day. But could it be that we need to be confronted with the scarcity of water in order to be able to reflect on our use of it? From floating farms in China, to the holes in the ice caps of Greenland, this is a meeting of different stories about our relationship with water and the consequences of this relationship. A true immersion into a world defined by the magnificent force of nature. Screened at the Toronto Festival 2013.

Jennifer Baichwal, Edward Burtynsky

Baichwal nasceu em Montreal. Estudou filosofia e teologia na McGil University. É diretora de documentários como The True Meaning of Pictures: Shelby Lee Adams' Appalachia (Festival de Toronto 2002 e Sundance 2003), Manufactured Landscapes (Toronoto 2006 e Sundance 2007) e Payback (Sundance 2012). Burtynsky nasceu em 1955 em Ontario, e é um dos mais respeitados fotógrafos canadenses. Este é seu primeiro longa-metragem.

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Edição 2023