
East Germany at the end of the 70s. Three years after the supposed death of Wassilij, Nelly decides to cross over the wall in search of a new life for her and her son Alexej, leaving behind the traumatic memories. In order to facilitate the move, she pretends to marry a West German, but her past begins to haunt her when the secret service question her about the disappearance of Wassilij Is he still alive? Distraught and paranoid, she is forced to choose between discovering the truth about her ex-lover and her hopes for a better future.

Christian Schwochow

Nasceu em 1978 na Alemanha. Trabalhou como escritor e jornalista para várias emissoras de televisão e rádio na Alemanha. É diretor de filmes como Marta and Her Flying Grandfather (2006), November Child (2008) e Cracks in the Shell (2011), exibido em festivais como o de Roterdã e o de Turim.

  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen
  • Westen


Edição 2023